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For $400/yr* we will host your WordPress website, and make sure it is kept secure, speedy and accessible. Your hosting includes an SSL secure certificate, renewal and management of a domain, and one full email account.

Our favourite website platform is WordPress (though we’re also familiar and comfortable with Shopify, SquareSpace, Weebly, Wix, and more.)


Domain. We secure your domain, and ensure it stays renewed.

Up-time monitoring. If your website goes down, we will take the appropriate action to get it running again.

WordPress & Plugin Updates. We check for and make updates as available.

Secure SSL Certificate. We install a secure certificate, make sure it stays renewed, and ensure it is properly implemented on your website.

Hacking & Security. We proactively monitor security issues, review security measures, and set up protection from intrusion attempts.

Speed & Performance. We test speed with multiple tools that provide an accurate measure of speed and usability.

Backup. Automatic daily and monthly backups are run, and stored in multiple locations in the cloud.

Forms & Functionality. After routine updates, we test your website’s forms and functionality.

Suggestions. We will routinely notify you of improvements that can be made, and anything else worth mentioning.


Your $400/yr hosting fee covers the work above. However there is a variety of additional work that can be required as a result of the above services. On approval, this work will be done at our standard hourly rate. We will confirm with you before performing this work and explain the situation, present available solutions and provide cost estimates. This work might include;

  • Content or design updates
  • Adding new functionality (newsletters, social media feeds, etc)
  • Replacing unmaintained plugins with secure equivalents
  • Fixing websites if hacked

Additional Services

We provide a wide array of additional supporting services, and can provide you a custom package depending on your needs, including;

  • Google Analytics. Ensuring your website is indexed and crawled properly, and ensuring there are no areas of concern.
  • Business Listings. Checking your Google Business, Apple Maps, Facebook, Yelp, and other business listings are up to date.
  • Review & Reputations. Checking and advising you regarding how to respond to any reviews across your business listings.
  • And much more!

Our Tools

Hover: our preferred domain name registrar, with reasonable costs, a user-friendly interface, and the option to host email.

CloudFlare: our preferred domain name system (DNS) provider. Provides the flexibility to host web, email and other services through multiple separate companies. Speeds Things Up.

GTMetrix, Pingdom & Google PageSpeed: Site speed analysis and recommendations, helping with both user experience and search engine rankings.

WPRocket & Imagify: Website caching and image optimization plugins for even faster websites.

WPEngine: Our preferred web hosting provider. Fast. Daily backups. Extremely available and helpful support.

ManageWP: Our preferred WordPress management tool. Allows us to keep an eye on speed, plugin updates, adds an additional monthly backup, and much more.

WordFence: Our preferred WordPress security monitoring tool. Keeps us on top of potential issues before they’re a problem.

Google Search Console: Notifies us whether Google see issues with your website.

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