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We will ensure your pages have a good balance of search engine rich text and visitor readability.

Armed with the knowledge of your site’s current performance we can begin incorporating relevant content into your website. This may entail simply replacing one phrase for another in your text elements, ensuring your HTML code facilitates search engine indexing and when necessary, writing new copy to further improve your search engine rankings. Our copywriters artfully work the appropriate words and phrases into your website, meeting the challenge of creating satisfying content that also gets the attention of search engines.

We will review the phraseology research with your copywriters and provide guidance on incorporate of phrases as appropriate in page titles, headers, and page content. By matching site content to commonly used phrases we greatly increase the chance of ranking well for those phrases.

The content areas that are reviewed and revised in order of most important to least important are generally:

  • Page Title (appears in the browser bar)
  • H1 Primary Header (may be styled in any way)
  • H2 Secondary Headers (2-3, may be styled in any way)
  • In-bound on-site links
  • Body Content
  • META Description
  • ALT tags (image descriptions)

Any given page can be optimized for 2-5 closely related phrases.

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